Lake Hopatcong Area
Hopatcong, NJ 07843
ph: 862-268-4888
The NRA does not mandate an minimum age for taking a firearms course. Nor does the State of NJ. There are however, age requirements for the most ranges and, in general, the minimum age is 10 for rifle and shotgun & age 13 for pistol. The First Steps Orientation classes are ideal for youngsters 10 -17 years of age. They are 3 to 4 hours in duration and use firearms that young people can handle, e.g. 22 cal pistols & rifles as well as a 20 gauge shotgun. A course certificate is provided for First Steps Orientation classes.
For young students (under the age of 18), one parent / relative must accompany the youngster. The parent / relative may not have to take the course (see box to right) but they need to be present at the training and the range shooting.
Please call or email any specific concerns.
The First Steps classes offered by the NRA are an excellent way to introduce young shooters to the shooting sports. As we know, young shooters go to the range with adults.
As an NRA instructor, I need to ensure that those accompanying young shooters to a range have also been properly trained.
My policy is: adults accompanying young people (ages 10 through 17) to the class can “just watch” if they can provide written proof of firearms training.
Note: A hunting license does not constitute proof of firearms training.
If the accompanying adult has not taken a firearms training course, they are required to register for the class along with their youngster. There is a 10% discount when both register.
We take credit cards - Visa, MasterCard & Discover.
Copyright 2010 KJD Firearms Training, LLC. All rights reserved.
Lake Mohawk Area
Sparta, NJ 07871
ph: 862-268-4888
alt: 973-729-3539